Universal Soldier: Regeneration – Fan Trailer

This is an old fan trailer I edited for Universal Soldier: Regeneration. I originally put this together in hopes I would get a shot at cutting the trailer for Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning. That didn’t happen, but I did one for fun regardless.

Funnily enough, weeks after I put this fan/conceptual trailer on YouTube – it was reposted by someone else who must have thought it was the real trailer.

My upload of the the same trailer you see above you via Vimeo.  On YouTube, I’m CodaConFuriosa.

As you can see, my trailer was re-uploaded. Either this guy uses better search tags or his subscriber base is way bigger than mine. Yeah, it’s definitely the latter.  From what I can see – he posts legit, official trailers. Not sure how mine got caught up in the mix.